Challenge Instruction
Our workshop will be featuring two challenges: OOD-CV and SSB.
The two challenges are hosted on CodaLab.
For all challenge tracks, we will have two separate leaderboards: one for the ImageNet-1k only pretrained models (can only pretrain models on ImageNet-1k dataset) and one for self-supervised pretrained models (can pretrain the models on any dataset but can only use self-supervised learning).
The challenge tracks are described below.
The OOD-CV challenge focuses on out-of-distribution generalization in computer vision, the out-of-distribution shift can
The data can be accessed from or [here].
Additionally, a tool and a baseline for the 3D pose-estimation is available from
You can learn more about the dataset from [here].
If you wish to access the full dataset and replicate the experiments in our paper, please see [here].
Track-1: Object Classification: This track evaluates the performance of a classification model on out-of-distribution (OOD) data using the top-1 accuracy. The ranking will be determined by the average top-1 accuracy on the OOD datasets.
Track-2: Object Detection: This track evaluates the performance of a detection model on OOD data. Evaluation will be done using the mAP metric, the final ranking will be determined by the average mAP on the OOD datasets.
Track-3: 3D Pose Estimation: This track evaluates the performance of a 3D pose estimation model on OOD data. The ranking will be determined by the average Acc@π/6 on the OOD datasets.
The Semantic Shift Benchmark (SSB) challenge focuses on open-set recognition and the generalized category discovery problem.
The SSB benchmark can be accessed from [here] or [here].
For an understanding of the generalized category discovery problem, the readers can refer to the works [here] and [here].
Track-1: Open-Set Recognition: This track evaluates the ability of the model to identify open-set examples. This track has only one leaderboard, only models that are not trained on ImageNet-22k can be submitted.
The ranking will be determined based on the average score of FPR and AUROC.
A baseline is provided [here].
Track-2: Generalized Category Discovery: This track evaluates the ability of the model to discover and recognize novel concepts within an unlabeled dataset. This track has two leaderboard, one for self-supervised pretrained models on ImageNet-1k, one for any self-supervised pretrained models.
The ranking will be determined based on the average clustering accuracy on all three datasets in the FGVC dataset from SSB benchmark.
We provide a baseline for GCD [here].